
Hello! I’m Jephte. Nice to see you here!

  • I’m a BS Information Technology graduate at Polytechnic University of the Philippines - Sto. Tomas Branch.
  • I’m a very passionate person in terms of many IT fields.
  • Likes to keep up with the latest technology trends and other things that interest me.

My Tech Interest

I explore various IT domains but these are my current tech interests.

Cloud Computing

I have been a big fan of cloud computing since my high school days. That’s the reason why I learned to install virtual machines on my computer and learning Linux administration at my free time. I also rent some small servers to be familiar on how the cloud really works.


I am always reading stuff about selfhosting even though I don’t have any selfhosted services here at home. It’s very great to learn selfhosting since it also involves many concepts about server management and maintenance. In addition, I run personal online services with my rented servers and this is already considered as selfhosting.


Cybersecurity is truly important these days as many online threats have surfaced. I think that it is necessary for everyone working in the IT industry to keep up to date with many cybersecurity news, events, and skills regardless of their specific IT profession.

Online Privacy

I think online privacy is very fundamental for all of us who use the internet and online services. We should not take it for granted, even though it is blatantly neglected by many people and even tech companies. With that, I am always looking for ways to improve my online privacy through various means.

Domain Names

I am a follower of the Domain Name industry even though I am not a domain name investor. I believe with the importance of domain names with any institutions, enterprise, or even individuals like me who want to improve their online growth and presence.

What am I doing now?

Check my now page.

This Website

One thing I want to achieve is to show my skills and knowledge by sharing them with other people. I believe that I can achieve this goal by creating my personal website. In this way, I can make myself more visible in my chosen profession.

I don’t expect to get much traffic here, but I am looking forward to other benefits, namely improving my technical and soft skills. I also want to enhance my writing and communication skills by adding content here.


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